Tuesday, August 26, 2008

avoid the grumpies

There is a lot to handle in middle school. The beginning of the year, new teachers, different classes, homework, rules, clothes, body stuff, more rules, friends, parents, chores, more and more rules, lockers, lunch, notes, love! Just listing the things kids have to deal with is giving me stress. Oh, what about cell phones and texting and myspace and growing and eating healthy and sports and instrument practice....AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!
How do middle school kids do it all?
May I suggest, as your Aunt Jen, that you need more sleep? Any person trying to deal with all the changes and responsibilities that you are going through is expected to be tired.
Did you know that your cells do their best growing while you sleep? they do.
Did you know that sleeping allows your mind to dream? it does.
Did you know that if you don't get enough sleep you are going to be grumpy? you will.
Did you know that if you're grumpy you will probably get in arguments about stupid things? you will.
Did you know that if you argue with friends then they will be grumpy, too? they will.
Did you know that if you argue with parents or teachers you will get in trouble? you will.

Try an experiment. On yourself. Get one more hour of sleep each night for 4 nights. Keep track of how you feel. Notice how you pay attention during the day. Check if you are more organized. Observe your friends (like a scientist) and see if you think they might need more sleep, too. Now please, get off the computer and get some sleep. Nighty night!