Wednesday, August 20, 2008

make mornings easy

We really hate starting our days with stress! Stress can be caused by not having the stuff we need where it's supposed to be... picture your dad running around the house searching for his keys when he's in a hurry to go somewhere. That's unwanted stress. It causes yelling and sweating and sometimes bad words fly! Let's avoid it.

Here's Aunt Jen's checklist to make middle school mornings start off right.
Use the first part before bed so when you get up in the morning you won't be running around like a crazy person.

  • completed homework (this isn't a joke. really. do your homework)

  • text books

  • pens and pencils

  • signed parent papers (like tests and excuse blanks)

  • library books

  • house key

  • calculator

  • lunch or money to buy lunch

Put all this in your backpack and don't leave home without it. Keep your backpack in the same spot every night.

Use this part in the morning to be fresh and ready to learn.

  • get your body clean

  • use deodorant on the armpits (nobody wants to sit beside a stinker)

  • put on clean clothes and boys, clean boxers and socks, please

  • eat breakfast

  • brush your teeth and don't forget to wipe your mouth so you're not dragging around extra toothpaste on your cheeks all day

  • check your hair (maybe use that invention called a comb)

  • give your parents a hug and get to school on time

  • don't forget your backpack

Use these steps each day and soon your middle school mornings will be so smooth you'll feel like a grownup. but cuter.

Tomorrow let's talk more about being fresh and clean.


Unknown said...

Don't forget the library books!